What's new in PHP8?

November 15, 2020 ≈ 1 minute 48 seconds

PHP8 brings a lot of new features like named parameters, Nullsafe operator, Trailing comma in parameters, Catch without variable, Class name literal on an object, and much more. Here are examples of how these new PHP8 features work.


class Subscriber {
    public function getContacts(): Contacts|null
        // return new Contacts();
        return null;

class Contacts {
    public function getAddress(): string
        return 'address...';

$subscriber = new Subscriber();
echo $subscriber->getContacts()?->getAddress();

Nullsafe operator


try {
    throw new UnexpectedValueException();
} catch (Throwable) {
    echo 'caught...';

Catch without variable


class Subscriber {
    function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public string $email,
    ) {}

$new_subscriber = new Subscriber(


Constructor property promotion and trailing commas


//null ?? throw new UnexpectedValueException();
false ?: throw new UnexpectedValueException();

Throw as an expression


class Amount {
    private int|float|null $amount;

    public function setAmount(int|float|null $amount)
        $this->amount = $amount;

    public function getAmount(): int|float|null
        return $this->amount;

$amount = new Amount();
$amount->setAmount('oh no...');
echo $amount->getAmount();

Union types


function subscribe(string $name, bool $active = false, string $email) {}
subscribe(name: 'Andrew', email: 'some_random_mail@gmail.com');

Named parameters


var_dump(str_contains('Andrew', 'drew')); // true

New built-in function str_contains


function test(mixed $everything) {


New mixed type


try {
    strpos("Andrew", "drew", 7);
} catch (ValueError) {
    // PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ValueError: strpos(): Argument #3 ($offset) must be contained in argument #1 ($haystack)
    echo 'value error...';

Value errors


echo str_starts_with('Andrew', 'And'); // true
echo str_ends_with('Andrew', 'drew'); // true

Built-in functions str_starts_with and str_ends_with


class Subscriber {
    public function __toString(): string
        return 'subscriber';

$subscriber = new Subscriber();
var_dump($subscriber instanceof Stringable); // bool(true)

New Stringable interface


class SomeAttribute {
    public function __construct($message)
        echo $message;

#[\SomeAttribute('some message')]
class AttributeTest {

$attribute_test = new AttributeTest();

$reflection_class = new ReflectionClass($attribute_test);
$attributes = $reflection_class->getAttributes();

$attributes[0]->newInstance(); // some message



class Subscriber {}

$cache = new WeakMap();
$subscriber = new Subscriber();

$cache[$subscriber] = ['some', 'cached', 'data'];
echo $cache[$subscriber][0]; // some
var_dump(count($cache)); // int(1)

var_dump(count($cache)); // int(0)

Weak maps


class Hello {}

$hello = new Hello();
echo $hello::class;

Class name literal on object


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